LArSoft v02_05_02 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
larsoft v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 Lynn Garren : releaseDB/base_dependency_database for v02_05_02
lareventdisplay v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 Tingjun Yang : Merge branch ‘feature/fclupdates’ into develop
- 2014-08-13 Tingjun Yang : fix calorimetry display, clean up fcl files
larexamples v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 William Seligman : Update .fcl file with current style of services include.
larpandora v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2014-08-15 Andrew Blake : Use integers rather than floats when looping. To make this change, I made the ‘XOverlap’ objects (which store the information used to sample events or compare views using the X coordinate) return their own integer ‘xBin’ values.
- 2014-08-15 Andrew Blake : Fixing loop in ThreeDTransverseTracksAlgorithm when separation in X drops below floating point precision
- 2014-08-14 Brian Rebel : remove use of Geometry::DetId() throughout the code. Use instead the Geometry::DetectorName() to store the string of the detector.
larana v02_05_02
- 2014-08-25 Wesley Ketchum : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/develop’ into feature/wketchum_CosmicTag
- 2014-08-24 Wesley Ketchum : forgot to put hit<—>tag assns on event! how ridiculous!
- 2014-08-24 Wesley Ketchum : forgot the produces line for hit<—>tag assns
- 2014-08-24 Wesley Ketchum : add in a hit<—>tag associator alg, using track is intermediate
- 2014-08-23 Sowjanya Gollapinni : Removing a line in CosmicTrackTagger that was creating additional tags. Also putting a generic cosmictagger fhicl file
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : fix a few spots where I missed the new CosmicTagID_t
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : make cosmic taggers use new CosmicTagID_t enum; also, mv the older CosmicTagger_module but leave it here just in case we need it
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘feature/wketchum_bftmUpdates’ into develop
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : add a few extra options to BFTMT: normalize the hypothesis to compare to flash, and minimum track length to compare —- also, change some default fcl parameters
- 2014-08-22 Sarah Lockwitz : fixed how single boundary tracks are handled
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : add in option for making outside drift window tags
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘feature/wketchum_CosmicTagAnaSpeedy’ into develop
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : fix some typos
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : remove the timing stuff, and do some general cleaning —- prepare to merge this thing!
- 2014-08-21 Wesley Ketchum : some timing stuff
- 2014-08-20 Sowjanya Gollapinni : putting some code in to tag delta rays associated to a already cosmic tagged track
- 2014-08-18 Wesley Ketchum : fix a bug on flash integral, check for photon visbility vector size to prevent crashes, and skip tracks outside drift window; also, update default settings in fcl file
- 2014-08-17 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘feature/wketchum_BeamFlashTrackMatch’ into develop
- 2014-08-17 Wesley Ketchum : add in some debugging/information functions to BeamFlashTrackMatchTagger
- 2014-08-17 Wesley Ketchum : put the module and alg parameters in the fcl file
- 2014-08-17 Wesley Ketchum : fixes to make it compile
- 2014-08-16 Wesley Ketchum : BeamFlashCompatibility for nonBezierTracks
- 2014-08-16 Wesley Ketchum : quick fix on typo of association utility call
- 2014-08-16 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/wketchum_CosmicTagAnaSpeedy
- 2014-08-16 Wesley Ketchum : use the new utilities, and remove a bunch of unnecessary headers
- 2014-08-15 Wesley Ketchum : remove all the old to make room for the new
- 2014-08-15 Wesley Ketchum : adjust ordering of getting assoiciations
- 2014-08-15 Wesley Ketchum : adding in a bunch of new ways of doing things to improve timing; this is all very dirty code right now, but useful for doing timing comparisons
- 2014-08-15 Sarah Lockwitz : cleaned up the tagger code a bit
- 2014-08-14 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/wketchum_CosmicTagMCTest
- 2014-08-14 Wesley Ketchum : put in use of mchitcollection on cosmic ana
larreco v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 Lynn Garren : d5 and d6 need to be initialized
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘feature/NoDetId’ into develop
- 2014-08-25 Brian Rebel : remove commented out include
- 2014-08-21 Herbert Greenlee : Add ability of Track3DKalmanHit to use PFParticle hits as input (from Tracy Usher).
- 2014-08-23 Bruce Baller : Numerous improvements to cluster crawling and vertex finding
- 2014-08-17 Muhammad Elnimr : Updates to TrackAnaCT.
- 2014-08-14 Brian Rebel : remove use of Geometry::DetId() throughout the code. Use instead the Geometry::DetectorName() to store the string of the detector.
larsim v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 Tingjun Yang : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘feature/NoDetId’ into develop
- 2014-08-25 Brian Rebel : remove use of ChannelFilter as it is undefined for most detectors
- 2014-08-22 Thomas Junk : fix bug in bugfix — uniform in sin(thetaYZ) (mistakenly had been switched to uniform in thetaYZ). Keep the bounds checking to ensure that the interval stays in -pi/2 to pi/2 for all user input.
- 2014-08-21 Tristan Blackburn : Fixed bug in uniform thetaYZ
- 2014-08-21 Tristan Blackburn : Fixed bug in uniform thetaYZ
- 2014-08-15 Tingjun Yang : clean up fcl files
- 2014-08-14 Brian Rebel : remove use of Geometry::DetId() throughout the code. Use instead the Geometry::DetectorName() to store the string of the detector.
larevt v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : fix a bad commit that failed to compile
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘feature/NoDetId’ into develop
- 2014-08-25 Brian Rebel : remove use of ChannelFilter as it is undefined for most detectors
- 2014-08-14 Brian Rebel : remove use of Geometry::DetId() throughout the code. Use instead the Geometry::DetectorName() to store the string of the detector name in the RunSummary object.
lardata v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 Tingjun Yang : remove signalservices.fcl from services_csu40L.fcl
- 2014-08-26 Tingjun Yang : Merge branch ‘feature/fclupdates’ into develop
- 2014-08-26 Tingjun Yang : Merge branch ‘feature/fclupdates’ of ssh:// into feature/fclupdates
- 2014-08-15 Tingjun Yang : add configurations for csu40L
- 2014-08-14 Tingjun Yang : move experiment fcl parameters out of standard fcl files
- 2014-08-14 Tingjun Yang : move experiment fcl parameters out of standard fcl files
- 2014-08-14 Tingjun Yang : move experiment fcl parameters out of standard fcl files
- 2014-08-14 Tingjun Yang : clean up fcl files
- 2014-08-25 Wesley Ketchum : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/develop’ into feature/wketchum_CosmicTag
- 2014-08-24 Wesley Ketchum : forgot some updates to classes_def for doing hit<—>tag associations
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : update classes_def.xml (calling this CosmicTag v2), and add in a few single boundary types to the CosmicTag enum
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/wketchum_CosmicTag
- 2014-08-22 Wesley Ketchum : version number in anab::CosmicTag classdef
- 2014-08-16 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/wketchum_NewAssocUtils
- 2014-08-15 Wesley Ketchum : add in some simple and useful utilities for making simple vectors and vector of vectors from assns
- 2014-08-15 Tingjun Yang : add configurations for csu40L
- 2014-08-14 Tingjun Yang : move experiment fcl parameters out of standard fcl files
- 2014-08-14 Tingjun Yang : move experiment fcl parameters out of standard fcl files
- 2014-08-14 Tingjun Yang : move experiment fcl parameters out of standard fcl files
- 2014-08-14 Tingjun Yang : clean up fcl files
- 2014-08-07 Wesley Ketchum : put in CosmicTagID_t
larcore v02_05_02
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2014-08-26 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘feature/NoDetId’ into develop
- 2014-08-25 Brian Rebel : add a warning message to indicate that the geometry is using the detector id rather than the detector name
- 2014-08-25 Brian Rebel : add a warning message to indicate that the geometry is using the detector id rather than the detector name
- 2014-08-14 Brian Rebel : remove the use of DetId from most code. The enumeration still exists, along with a new kUnknownDetId to enable a cascade for use with files already on disk. When necessary, compare the value returned by DetectorName - mostly done in either very experiment specific code (ie or in the Remove some unused functions from Geometry, GetGDMLPath and GetROOTPath as they return the same value as the ROOTFile and GMDLFile methods. Changed GetDetectorName to DetectorName as the Get is just 3 characters of extra typing.
- 2014-08-13 Brian Rebel : changes to remove the use of DetId_t from LArSoft. Add an enumeration for kUnknownDetId for the time being. Prefer to work with strings of the detector name in RunData and Geometry vs the old DetId_t, but cascade to the old way of doing thing for files that already exist on disk