Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers
These releases are not available on larsoft cvmfs. However, the necessary files are archived and the release can be restored upon request.
Release | Date | Purpose | Changes / notes | Full release notes | |
v05.09.01 | 04/20/2016 | Production release | DUNE MCC6 production | [[ReleaseNotes050901 | Release Notes]] |
v05.08.00 | 04/08/2016 | Production release | for MicroBooNE | [[ReleaseNotes050800 | Release Notes]] |
v04.36.00.03 | 04/13/2016 | Production release | for MicroBooNE | [[ReleaseNotes04360003 | Release Notes]] |
v04.36.01 | 02/09/2016 | Weekly tag | Final release before v05 | [[ReleaseNotes043601 | Release Notes]] |
v04.36.00 | 02/04/2016 | Production release | for MCC7 | [[ReleaseNotes043600 | Release Notes]] |
v04.30.01 | 11/25/2015 | Production | for DUNE MCC 5.0 | [[ReleaseNotes043001 | Release Notes]] |
v04.26.04 | 11/25/2015 | Hotfix | requested by MicroBooNE | [[ReleaseNotes042604 | Release Notes]] |
v04.26.03 | 10/21/2015 | Hotfix | requested by MicroBooNE | [[ReleaseNotes042603 | Release Notes]] |
v04.26.02 | 10/16/2015 | Hotfix | requested by MicroBooNE | [[ReleaseNotes042602 | Release Notes]] |
v04.20.00 | 08/19/2015 | Production release | for DUNE MCC4 | [[ReleaseNotes042000 | Release Notes]] |
v04.18.00 | 08/04/2015 | Integration tag | for art/LArSoft course | [[ReleaseNotes041800 | Release Notes]] |
v04.12.00 | 06/10/2015 | Integration tag | MicroBooNE mcc 6.1 | [[ReleaseNotes041200 | Release Notes]] |
v04.06.02.01 | 05/11/2015 | hotfix | for MicroBooNE MCC6 | [[ReleaseNotes04060201 | Release Notes]] |
v04.02.02 | 03/12/2015 | Weekly tag | final release in the v04.02 series | [[ReleaseNotes040202 | Release Notes]] |
v04.02.00 | 03/05/2015 | production release | for MicroBooNE MCC6 simulation | [[ReleaseNotes040200 | Release Notes]] |
v03.06.00 | 01/15/2015 | production release for LBNE MCC1 | includes PCA and AuxDet* | [[ReleaseNotes030600 | Release Notes]] |
v03.04.06 | 12/17/2014 | Weekly tag | for lbne raw binary data | [[ReleaseNotes030406 | Release Notes]] |
v03.04.00 | 11/04/2014 | Special release | includes new PlaneID addition to Calorimetry product, used by MicroBooNE online, for lbne raw binary data | [[ReleaseNotes030400 | Release Notes]] |
v03.03.00 | 10/16/2014 | Weekly tag | also update to pandora v00_17, for lbne raw binary data | [[ReleaseNotes030300 | Release Notes]] |
v02.06.02 | 09/18/2014 | Weekly tag | Last release with art v1_10_00b | [[Release_Notes_02_06_2]] | |
v02.05.01 | 08/14/2014 | MicroBoone production release | for the MicroBoone MCC5 challenge | [[Release_Notes_02_05_01]] | |
v1.01.00 | 04/28/2014 | First build with art v1_09_02 | except for ups/product_deps, this tag is identical to v1_00_08 | [[Release Notes 1.01.00]] | |
v1.00.05 | 03/06/2014 | Patch to v1.00.04 | Patch to larana needed for uBooNE MCC4 | n/a | |
v1.00.01 | 01/24/2014 | First production release |
Replica of final svn-based release S2014.01.24. Future LArSoft development proceeds from this release. |
[[Release Notes 1.00.01]] |