

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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Using LArSoft

First-time, or infrequent, users will be well-served to go through the following steps in order:

  1. Start by reading Concepts in LArSoft, the training material at and other information available at
    1. Also look at your experiment’s Quick Links for experiment-specific information.
  2. Choose the correct release from the List of LArSoft Releases and Release Notes.
    1. If you can use a tagged release as is (aside from fcl files which can be modified and used from any directory), you can now run LArSoft.
    2. If you need to modify the code locally, or use code not yet in a tagged release, then additional steps (below) are required.
  3. Create a working area. This is described in the presentation from the 2019 workshop session on LArSoft technical details.
    1. To find out which repositories contain the code you need to modify for your task, examine the List of repositories and their relationships.
    2. If you have questions, ask the relevant code authors and offline leads and release managers.
  4. To modify the code, clone the reference software into your working area from the LArSoft github repositories.
    1. This is where to find Experiment-specific code.
    2. And this is the Sub-package locations (e.g., in which repository can I find the HitFinder sub-package?)
  5. To install a local copy of the pre-built products, or to build and install a local copy of the products for the core LArSoft suite, follow the Installation Procedures on the Getting LArSoft page.
    1. To use cvmfs to access the binaries and header files in a tagged release (thereby avoiding the need to install or build a local copy), follow the LArSoft cvmfs page instructions.
    2. Sometimes your local code will fail to build against a new LArSoft release because there are “breaking changes” in the release, which are modifications that require adaptations to the code that references that modified code. These changes and the corrective actions needed are documented on the Breaking_Changes page.
    3. Comments in the code are incorporated into documentation at LArSoft Doxygen using the Doxygen tool.
  6. Recommended.
    1. Install and run Igprof profiler.

Information on GitHub and pull request testing

Start by reviewing the information on the overview page for using LArSoft with GitHub. The GitHub repositories are available. Contact your experiment offline management to identify acting Level 2 managers. Send any comments to The Scisoft Team, or via Redmine issues.

Some hints


Using HPC with LArSoft

Machine Learning in LArSoft
